Quik Internet of Houston has been in operation since July 1, 1998. We first heard of Quik Internet while reviewing an advertisement in Entrepreneur Magazine. At the time, we had no experience and really were not considering any franchise business. We were discussing different types of businesses that might be interesting to us from a content and profitability standpoint. Quik Internet appealed to us because of the technology content and the chance to provide a high demand product. We were able to break even in 12 months. Today, the knowledge base of Quik International and the available technical support are of value to us. The Internet business is challenging and fun to do! And, it provides the chance to make significant profits.
Joel Langhoff,
Franchise Owner, Houston, Texas

Q: How long have you owned your Quik Internet franchise?
A: Since April 1996

Q: What were you looking for in a franchise?
A: An exciting industry, first of all, something that would not be boring and monotonous, and an opportunity that presented reasonable startup costs with good potential for strong growth.

Q: What led to your decision to invest in a Quik Internet franchise?
A: Getting involved in what I believe is an industry with a long and prosperous future ahead of it; confidence and security in the people/business model of the organization; and reasonable start-up costs with good potential for return of investment.

Q: What do you see as benefits of the Quik Internet franchise?
A: The corporate office provides much of the technical knowledge/assistance and hardware costs involved in running a successful ISP (Internet service provider) business. Certainly, I lacked the necessary capital or knowledge to even consider operating an ISP under my sole direction; thus, the quik model allows business people to get actively involved in an industry that they might not have been able to take part in, under normal circumstances.

Q: What do you consider as main attributes in being part of a franchise?
A: Your new business is at less risk at startup because the model is in place in a numbers of locations. Also, established criteria (break-even points, capital required at startup, location analysis, branding of a name, etc.) are in place so less "guess-work" is required when you open the doors.

Q: What benefits have you found running an Internet business?
A: The excitement of being part of a new industry and the potential for future growth. Also, after you get involved in the day-to-day operations of running a (Quik) ISP, you quickly become an expert in this new field and it commands respect. People listen to you and your ideas as you develop into an Internet professional.

Q: Prior to becoming a Quik franchise owner, what type of:
Computer knowledge would you say you had?
A: Intermediate

And, what level of Internet experience?

Quik Internet of Palm Beach (Florida)
Kylan Koblitz, Owner

Quik Internet Customer Testimonials


Since 1992, I have used 6 ISPs; aol, compuserve, kaiwan, exo,
earthlink and now quik.
You have been the best BY FAR and I know you are here for your customers. No one at any of the ISPs I have been with, has returned my messages as quickly as you do. Even my customers and vendors don't return calls as quik-ly as you do. Thanks!

Of Huntington Beach, CA

In times when customer service is harder and harder to find, I was pleasantly surprised to find a business that was happy to go that extra mile [kilometer]. That's exactly what Kelly Read at Quik Internet did for me. Kelly came to my house on more than one occasion to fix problems that didn't even relate to Quik's products. Quik and Kelly provide me with great Internet and email service at a reasonable price, and I know they're only an email or phone call away.
Thanks again Kelly.
Regards Lanny.
Of Saskatoon, Canada

We are at long last changing our Internet service, the reason is that we get faster net access 53333bps most of the time on my computer. This service gives me unlimited access with NO busy signals, and it NEVER disconnects me. My Web sites I visit download much faster. This service has local numbers in Mt.Pleasant and Pittsburg. It is called Quik Internet. The local franchise is owned by a nice guy named Steve Brazier (see name above and right click for properties to get his address). If you would like faster Internet without buying anything for your computer give him a call. I think he can have you connected on the net faster in just a few minutes.

Ray (Earl)
Of NE Texas

Case Studies

Once you are up and running, you may have the opportunity to be featured in an article or related case study. This helps promote the Quik franchise in general as well as highlighting your individual business and you as the expert behind it. Following are some examples of Quik Internet franchises that have been featured.

Kurt Davey
Quik Internet of San Diego,
Quik Internet of Irvine, and
Quik Internet of Anaheim
Link to full article:

Rogé Karma
(Franchisee #100)
Quik Internet of the Desert
Link to full article:


Contact one of our franchise development representatives today to see if a Quik Internet territory is available in your area.
Give us a call at (949) 548-2171,
send an e-mail to
or complete our online form.